Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crunch Time

I was sitting at Starbucks this past October with a goal of picking a new idea for my final project. As I sat there deeply thinking I kept hoping something interesting would pop into my head, and there it was: social media marketing (as I mentioned in an earlier post).    Since then, I have been really excited about this topic and have started reading articles and looking for the best blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linked-in and Youtube influencers.  I would have to say that one of my favorite sources for information has to be the Social Media Examiner Podcasts by  Michael Stelzner (founder and CEO).  He talks to industry leaders and game changers in Social Media and provides so many useful tips.  His podcasts are very informative and creative.  Click on the image below to check out his site.

From what I've gathered so far, social media marketing goes beyond showcasing your products, it begins with creating a community of followers.  These followers are interested in how the company interacts with the rest of the world, do they help the community? What is their company mission? Do they offer any contests or prizes online to their followers?  Although a customer ultimately seeks good deals products, in reality a company needs to focus on getting customers interested in them first.  The rest will come later (if executed properly).  Although there may be other factors, social media can be used as a tool for consumers to carefully make their decisions about the products they want to purchase.  If businesses can create an exceptional user experience, they have a better chance of creating a community of users who are true fans of their products.

I am super excited that there are only two weeks till the end of the semester... my project design documents and website are the two things that stand in my way before the my final semester starts!

Here is a preview of my final project website, custom made banner 

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